7. About the author.

If you've read the guide of my other packages you'll know there is not much to say about myself. There have been a few changes im my setup though: * an A1200 with 3.1 ROM and a tower case; * a `HP DeskJet 520'; * a mighty `Microbotics A1230' accelerator with a 68030 CPU and MMU at 50 MHz, a 68882 coprocessor, also running at 50 MHz plus an additional 16 megabytes of 60 nanoseconds fast RAM; * two 3.5" external `Cumana' diskdrives; * a `Mitsumi' dual speed CD-ROM drive with IDE interface; * 1275 megabytes of `Conner' hard drive space; * an `Alfa Data' trackball; * a `MicroVitec' multysinc monitor (dunno which type, can't find it anywhere, not even in the manual!); * a pair of 80 watts `Trust - Soundwave 10' loudspeakers; * two `Arcade' joysticks and a `Gravis Game Pad'. If you have any questions, requests or require more information about something (I simply cannot imagine what that might be) just write me on the following adress:
Korneel Ketelslegers Dautenstraat 58 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium
or leave an e-mail to crisp@tornado.be and mention that it is for me (Korneel Ketelslegers). Be see'n ya!